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Posted in My Journey as a Screenwriter 1 min read
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Someone Had The Same Idea As Me (And That Is A Good Thing)

“When I came across the upcoming feature film, The Apprentice, my heart sank. For the previous year, I have been developing the same idea about a young Donald J. Trump making a name for himself.” 

Artists Need To Be Animals

“At its core, an artist is an individual who aspires with great ambition to be successful, but the irony lies in that the industry which they work so diligently within does not support their pursuit. It is ruthlessly competitive, highly unpredictable, and promisingly unfair — It is a jungle…”

15 Ways to Mitigate Film Festival Rejection

“All we want as filmmakers is a premier of our work… and recognition, and praise, and potential resources to either make another (better) film, and or get a paid gig on a real filmset as a result — the list is endless, but for those things to happen, you must first go through the evaluation process and become accepted.”

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