“Stranger Things had followed me through the last ten years of my life and now it is time to stop.”
Finding My Voice: The Paper That Opened the Door to Grad School
“Like any application process, getting into a competitive film program can be daunting and UNCSA’s writing program was no easy task…”
My Last Conversation with Peter Werner
“Peter passed away a month before my graduation and grieving the loss of my friend took months, but his wisdom continues to resonate.”
“Why do we seemingly uphold promises made to others higher than the ones we make to ourselves? One reason could be that we want to retain a good reputation…”
15 Ways to Mitigate Film Festival Rejection
“Risk mitigation is ‘the process a business undertakes to reduce its exposure to the various risks it might face… [such as]… severe disruption or financial loss.’ For example, suits will meticulously measure and assess everything they can put their hands on…”
“The artist who behaves like an animal is one who has the capability of properly evaluating their current situation to effectively make adequate decisions to promote their life/career.”
Someone Had The Same Idea As Me (And That Is A Good Thing)
“I wrote a rough story outline, titled it, HUGE, and planned on it being a buddy-love bio-pic about an idealistic yuppie who ambitiously strives to step out of his slumlord father’s shadow by renovating the desolate Commodore Hotel in Manhattan through the guidance of his corrupt lawyer.”